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The ACA: A Healthcare Game-Changer

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes referred to as Obamacare, has fundamentally altered American healthcare. Millions of Americans have benefited from the major improvements that have been brought about. The following are some significant ways that the ACA has changed the game: Increasing access to healthcare: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established marketplaces where individuals

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The ACA: Making Healthcare More Affordable and Accessible

The ACA has strengthened the healthcare system. Since its implementation, there has been a dramatic drop in the number of Americans without health insurance as well as the frequency of medical bankruptcy. The ACA also set a higher standard for healthcare by mandating that insurance providers include essential health benefits including prescription drugs, mental health

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The Impact of Your Lifestyle on Your Life Insurance Coverage

One of the most significant factors that can impact your life insurance coverage is your current health conditions. If you have any pre-existing health conditions, you may have a harder time getting coverage or have to pay higher premiums. This is because insurance companies view individuals with pre-existing health conditions as higher risk. However, you

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