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Free COVID tests and treatments no longer free for uninsured, as funding runs out

The first real-world consequences of dwindling federal COVID-19 funds have started to be felt in recent days. Coronavirus tests for uninsured patients are no longer free in some places. That’s because the program that reimbursed clinics and hospitals for the testing, as well as for treating uninsured patients with COVID-19, stopped accepting claims last week

Free COVID tests and treatments no longer free for uninsured, as funding runs out Read More »

Thousands of Florida children could lose Medicaid coverage, study says

When the pandemic health emergency is declared over, they could lose their health insurance. Medicaid has become a significant safety net for families during the COVID-19 pandemic, with about half of all children in the United States now covered through their state’s public health insurance program for low-income and disabled Americans, including about 2.4 million

Thousands of Florida children could lose Medicaid coverage, study says Read More »